Back Squat
warm up
5-4-3-2-1 Practice loading the hamstrings and big hip drive on the up. Feel the bottom and use it.
work set
lets aim for hitting the same 5 rep max on set 3 from last week for sets 2 and 3.
remember your 5th rep is your MAX rep. You should not be able to hit a 6th rep. take a few minutes between sets and recover. get some water and shake it off.
then load 70% of your 5 rep max and find the max reps you can do with that. FORM FORM FORM.
We are gonna start looking for our 12, 15, and 21 rep max.
3 rounds for time of:
20 Wall balls (20lbs. to 10')
20 Sumo deadlift high pulls (75lbs.)
20 Box jumps (20")
20 Push presses (75lbs.)
20 burpees
1min rest
work set
15 rep max @ 145
I got greedy and should have quit after the back squats. First round went well and I fell off the box scraping the shit out of my shins on round two. my body was done after that.