Friday, April 03, 2009

CFSB for 04APRIL09

Shoulder Press

warm up
5-4-3-2-1 form is practised during this time. bar close to face. shrug at the top. no dipping.

work set

no max reps today


Three rounds for time with *95lb bar of:
15 Deadlift
12 Hang power clean
9 front squat
6 push press
3 overhead squat

*overhead squat is going to be your limiting factor. So if you want to do more weight base it on the overhead squat.

1 comment:

  1. work set
    115, 120 missed 5th rep, 105


    as rx'd. 17:03
    i forgot how bad this one sucks. the goal is to do a whole round without putting the bar down. that didnt happe at 95lbs.
