The Terminator Tabata
round 1: Shirpees (shitty burpees, yeah I made that up)
with 20lb med ball, dumbbell, kettlebell,vest, etc. do burpees. same movement just hold the weight in your hands the whole time using the weight to push up on and then jump over head with it. post load used.
round 2: weighted pull ups. use same vest or hold a weight with your feet. post load used.
round 3: kettlebell swings. Heavy as you want. post load used.
round 4: sprints with vest or weight in hands. post load used.
20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times equals one round
1 min rest between rounds.
so this may or may not suck. Remember to set a pace that you can sustain the whole 20 seconds. Your count is continuous through each round. At the end you should have a complete rep total of each round and overall total. The weight you use is up to you. Pick something heavy and have a lighter stand by weight on hand.