Thursday, April 30, 2009

Friday 01 may 09

Front squat
Warm up

Work set



Over head squats 50-60% front squat

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thursday 30 APR 09


As many rounds as possible in 20 min

Heavy Cindy

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

use 20lb vest or heavier.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Tuesday 28 April 09


warm up

work set

again going from 3x5 to 3x3


AMRAP in 10 minutes

15 KB swings
10 Pull ups
15 burpees
10 pull ups

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Monday 27 April 09

Back Squat

Warm up

work set
Notice we are changing from 3x5 to 3x3. Your 3 rep max is going to be heavier then your 5 rep max. DUH You can probably start your first set at you current 5 rep max PR and increase in 5 or 10 pound increments. We are getting ready for our 1 rep max in 2 weeks so go hard.


5 Rounds for time:

5 Squat Cleans 60% of 3 rep max
7 Burpees
9 Chest to Bar Pullups

Friday, April 24, 2009

Saturday 25 April 09

Shoulder Press

warm up

work set


for time:
100 Inverted burpees

I really like these inverted burpees. they are going to totally kill your giant ass SAS. haha.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Friday 24 April 09

Front Squat

warm up

work set


Hill Hell

3 rounds for time of:

400m run uphill
30 push ups
400m run downhill
30 sit ups

Find a good sized hill with at least 400m of incline. Starting at the bottom run to the top do 30 push ups. Run to the bottom do 30 sit ups. Repeat for rounds.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thursday 23 April 09

As many rounds in 20 minutes of:

Clean-Push press-Push jerk- Split jerk

Figure out your weight during warm ups but the weight will depend on your split jerk. Go heavy. Each round is 1 rep of each lift holding the bar the whole time. You drop the bar you drop that round and start again. Use the same weight the whole time.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wednesday 22 April 09

Rest Day

Review your videos and come up with at least 3 faults for at least 1 lift whether they are big or small. Post them and how you are going to correct them. If you don't know how to correct them research it.

oh and read this

Monday, April 20, 2009

Tuesday 21 April 09


warm up
Keep that belly button to your spine. breath at the bottom and hold it the whole lift. On the down make sure the bar is past your knees before you close the knee angle. you go around the bar, the bar doesn't go around you.

work set

If you don't hit a PR do 15 max rep


for time:

10 Pull ups
1 ring dip
9 pull ups
2 ring dips
8 P ups
3 and so on and on
1 pull ups
10 ring dips

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Monday 20 April 09

Back Squat

warm up

work set


3 rounds for time of:

30 one arm dumbbell/Kettlebell snatch alternating (15 each arm)
30 butterfly sit ups
30 back extensions.

weight is up to you but should be more then 25lbs.

Saturday 18 Apr 09

Shoulder Press

warm up

work set


Run 5k or heavy pack hike.

Friday 17 April 09

Front Squat

warm up

work set


21-15-9 of

hang squat
clean 70-80% of front squat
box jumps 20"

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Thursday 15 April 09


The Terminator Tabata

round 1: Shirpees (shitty burpees, yeah I made that up)
with 20lb med ball, dumbbell, kettlebell,vest, etc. do burpees. same movement just hold the weight in your hands the whole time using the weight to push up on and then jump over head with it. post load used.

round 2: weighted pull ups. use same vest or hold a weight with your feet. post load used.

round 3: kettlebell swings. Heavy as you want. post load used.

round 4: sprints with vest or weight in hands. post load used.

20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times equals one round
1 min rest between rounds.

so this may or may not suck. Remember to set a pace that you can sustain the whole 20 seconds. Your count is continuous through each round. At the end you should have a complete rep total of each round and overall total. The weight you use is up to you. Pick something heavy and have a lighter stand by weight on hand.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wednesday 15 April 09

Rest Day

today is a good day to hike or go to the park.
Better yet, put some knowledge in your brain that you can bring to the bar.

I'll be gone all weekend starting Friday so I'll do Fri, Sat, and Mon WODS all on Thursday. Feel free to send me or post your vids for review if you have that ability.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Tuesday 14 April 09


warm up

work set

Using 80% of your 5 rep max find your max rep set.


3 rounds for time of:

400m run
max pull ups

post times and reps per round

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Monday 13 April 09

Back Squat

warm up

5-4-3-2-1 Practice loading the hamstrings and big hip drive on the up. Feel the bottom and use it.

work set
lets aim for hitting the same 5 rep max on set 3 from last week for sets 2 and 3.

remember your 5th rep is your MAX rep. You should not be able to hit a 6th rep. take a few minutes between sets and recover. get some water and shake it off.

then load 70% of your 5 rep max and find the max reps you can do with that. FORM FORM FORM.
We are gonna start looking for our 12, 15, and 21 rep max.


3 rounds for time of:
20 Wall balls (20lbs. to 10')
20 Sumo deadlift high pulls (75lbs.)
20 Box jumps (20")
20 Push presses (75lbs.)
20 burpees
1min rest

Friday, April 10, 2009

Saturday 10 April 09

Shoulder Press

Warm up
5-4-3-2-1 reps FORM FORM FORM

Work Set


5 rounds for time of:

12 Thrusters (80% 5 rep shoulder press max) 5RM X .80 = weight
9 L-pull ups

For L-pull ups, legs come up creating a 90 degree angle with your body and stay there for all efforts. LEGS ARE STRAIGHT. If you don't have that then swing your legs into the L and use the momentum to pull up. Keep a rhythm. Chin over bar and arms locked out at the bottom.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Friday 10 April 09

Front Squat

warm up

work set


"I'm up...He sees me...I'm down"

Just made this one up while my head was on my pillow.

You began by sprinting to the saying "I'm up...He sees me...I'm down." and then on the down proceed with one burpee. Rinse and repeat. You will do 100 of these for time. Don't cheat by rushing the words. Rest is in the prone. I recommend counting like "Im up......(burpee)1" "I'm up.......(burpee)2" Questions cost 50 push ups. Please ask

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Thursday 08 April 09

CFSB Metcon


Clean 135 lbs
Ring Dips

21-15-9 reps, for time

you got 20 minutes to do this one so pick a weight that's heavy and clean it. If you go too light it will be over too quick and we don't want that now do we?

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Wednesday 08 April 09

Rest day

I need this one. take it easy.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Tuesday 07 April 09


Warm up

Work Set


as many rounds in 10 minutes of:

10 wall ball shots 20 pounds

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Monday 06 April 09

Back Squat*

Warm up set

Work Set

3 rounds for time of:

400m run
21 KB swings(moderate weight)
15 pull ups

*If you don't have a rack sub one legged KB squats. A work set would be 5 reps each leg.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Sunday 05 April 09

Rest day.

read a comic and take a nap

Friday, April 03, 2009

CFSB for 04APRIL09

Shoulder Press

warm up
5-4-3-2-1 form is practised during this time. bar close to face. shrug at the top. no dipping.

work set

no max reps today


Three rounds for time with *95lb bar of:
15 Deadlift
12 Hang power clean
9 front squat
6 push press
3 overhead squat

*overhead squat is going to be your limiting factor. So if you want to do more weight base it on the overhead squat.


Front Squat

warm up set
5-4-3-2 remember warm up sets start with an empty bar.

work set
3x5 if you reach a new PR don't go on

find your back squat 12 rep max by doing 6-9-12

Heavy Half(HH) Cindy

Complete as many rounds in 10 minutes with 20lb vest as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Fat vests don't count. haha Sasquatch. little kids strapped to your back do.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

so that wasnt fun CFSB 3

Deadlift 210lbs
Ring Dips
Squat Snatch 95lbs

i made it to 3 reps before i dropped to *135 and *45.
that is just way to much deadlifting at those weights for me. i think it turns out to be 55 reps. So basically you are doing 1.5 x body weight 55 times which to me is too heavy at that many reps. maybe if my max deadlift was 3 times body weight i could hang but its not. starting tomorrow im programing for myself.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Bastard Child of Linda CFSB 3

so this will be fun

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:

Deadlift 210 Body Weight
Ring Dips
Squat Snatch 105 Body Weight

so at basically ten sets you have about 2 minutes to do each set to get under the 20 minutes. im gonna shoot for 1 minute sets. usually i just blow through the first few but then they take longer and longer.